
Are you a reader or writer of Climate Fiction? Want to know more about Waiting for the Night Song or The Last Beekeeper? Please reach out and say hello. I’d love to hear from you!

Literary Agent
Stacy Testa, Writers House

Speaking Engagements
Haley Kastner, Authors Unbound

Film Rights
Addison Duffy, United Talent Agency

Alexis Saarela, Tor/Forge

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For Book Clubs

My debut novel, Waiting for the Night Song, was published by Forge (Macmillan) in January 2021, and my second novel, The Last Beekeeper, will be available in March 2023. If your book club enjoyed Where the Crawdads Sing or Barbara Kingsolver novels, I hope you’ll give my books a try. I’d be happy to speak with your book group – please contact me via the above form to schedule a date!

I also enjoy speaking at bookstores, schools, libraries, or other venues. I speak both about my own work and about the rise of climate fiction. Please contact me if you’d like me to speak with your group!